https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/ 中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會
中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段285號5樓
購物中心協會特別企劃【創新致勝下午茶系列講座】,透過「標竿案例分享 X 專題導讀 X 跨域工作坊」的型態,邀請各領域先進和與會者進行創新商機與資源的對話。 特邀#希嘉文化 執行長 顏瑋志 先生[松菸文創_Pop Up Asia 亞洲手創展 主辦單位]#赤心設計 執行董事 黃心蕾 女士 一同分享台灣創意品牌從創意市集、百貨通路等模式的發展歷程中,如何成長與創新? 並瞭解產業有哪些資金或資源可以應用,取得致勝商機。 活動時間: 2018年9月21日(五) 13:30~16:30 活動地點: 將捷國際商業大樓-會議廳(台北市中山區松江路126號B4,松江南京站8號出口) 報名費用: NTD $500、非會員:NTD $800(包含:現場提供下午茶點心拼盤及飲品)活動議程: 詳細資訊, 請參考活動網站: https://www.accupass.com/event/1809040934092746809530, 【購協會員優先保留名額】若欲參加者請填寫線上報名表 https://goo.gl/forms/KW9iIANSf8Q5ZcQ42,並可連同匯款證明傳回至tinachuang@twtcsc.org.tw 秘書處莊小姐收即可。 匯款帳號:華南銀行南內湖分行14310-000-6257中華民國購物中心協會 洽詢專線: (02)6639-8478 秘書處莊小姐  email: tinachuang@twtcsc.org.tw 0986-732058 吉創整合蔡先生   email: carlos.tsai@jmc-integration.com https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/hot_288311.html 【購物中心特別企劃】平台崛起,城鄉創生─平台創新模式實戰分享 2024-07-22 2025-07-22
中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段285號5樓 https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/hot_288311.html
中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段285號5樓 https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/hot_288311.html
https://schema.org/EventMovedOnline https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode
2024-07-22 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/hot_288311.html

CASC-PPKM AWARDS 2019 - ‘BEST EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING’ will be based as indicated

below :


The award will be categorised based on the following :

  • Category A: Malls with nett lettable area (NLA) of 500,000 sq ft and below
  • Category B: Malls with nett lettable area (NLA) of 500,001 sq ft to 999,999 sq ft
  • Category C: Malls with nett lettable area (NLA) of 1,000,000 sq ft and above

Description of Entry

  • Marketing entries must cover programmes organised between 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019
  • Malls can submit several entries but each entry must be completed on a separate form.
  • The cost for each entry is US$150 which is non-refundable.
  • Please complete the Entry Form to register online. Thereafter, we will email you the relevant invoice and you will be given a notification to make payment via PayPal. After payment, you will receive a confirmation document for your registration(s) together with the submission link. No confirmation will be issued until payment has been received.
  • You may only upload your submissions on or from 1 July 2019 onwards.
  • All entries must be submitted at the said link for judging by the closing date of 12 midnight on 15 July 2019. Technical support during your submission process is available at info@nd.com.my Tel: +6019 857 1893
  • Judging for all entries will be done by a Panel of Judges comprising reputable industry practitioners from CASC member countries.
  • There will be one (1) Gold and one (1) Silver Award for each of the three (3) categories. If there is no eligible entry, the judges may reserve the right not to grant any awards.

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